Did Princess Dianas car crash because the military blinded her driver with light?

Last month, Scotland Yard announced that they were kind of/sort of re-opening the investigation into Princess Diana’s death in France in 1997. Scotland Yard had received some startling “new information” – the ex-wife of a former “special services” soldier had told his then-wife that he had been ordered to kill Diana in a military operation that was – supposedly – authorized by the highest echelons of British political power. In the 16 years since her death, the conspiracy theories and investigations have never really ended, they just pause momentarily before beginning anew with some new piece of information or conspiratorial wrinkle. So what is the new wrinkle in this case? The soldier allegedly told his wife that the military forced driver Henri Paul to crash by flashing a blinding light into the tunnel:

Princess Diana‘s death was not a tragic car accident but a deliberate murder by special forces who shone a bright light into the car she was in a shocking new report claims and Scotland Yard has been investigating the possibility.

When Prince William and Harry’s mother died in a Paris tunnel after her Mercedes crashed travelling over 100 mph the original inquiry said that her driver had been drunk and was fleeing the chasing paparazzi, but the Sunday Express is reporting that a former SAS sniper told his wife that “a piercing light was shone directly at the car they were traveling in,” and that his colleagues were “responsible for her death.”

The woman, who is now divorced from “Soldier N” gave an interview to Scotland Yard in August and she said that her former husband had given Prince William defensive driving lessons in 2008 and that was when he decided to reveal the secret plot that had killed Diana.

She said that he had known about the plot that had occurred but told her: “It’s an order, a job’s a job.”

The Sunday Express reported that during her interview the woman recounted how her husband revealed the secret plan that resulted in her death.

“We were talking about it (the driving course) and I was saying how lovely it was that Princes William and Harry were doing so well and that it was sad their mum wasn’t here to see it.

“Then he said to me one of the guys was responsible for the accident, for the death of Diana. I was shocked. I believed what he said.

“He went on to tell me that it had to be done in a tunnel, that people had been monitoring them (Diana and Dodi)…a light was shone in the driver’s eyes.”

She reportedly told authorities that the accident in the Parisian tunnel was a strategic location.

“He said that it had to happen in the tunnel to guarantee death. He said that it looked bad so they left.”

The dramatic revelation is another key element being investigated by Scotland Yard about Princess Diana’s death but they have denied that they have “reopened” the case.

[From Radar]

If you think this is a new conspiracy theory, then I would suggest you meet me in my blanket fort with your own adjustable tin foil hat. This theory has been around for YEARS. I remember even in the months just after Diana’s death, there were mysterious reports of a very bright flash just before the crash. And correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Lifetime do a movie about this exact conspiracy theory? This was years ago, like 2002-ish I want to say. The Lifetime movie was a fictional account of an American journalist trying to track all of the various reports that didn’t coincide with the official story of a drunk driver being trailed by paparazzi, crashing the car because he was sh-tfaced. The “journalist” ended up with a theory of the crime that was a lot like this – that this was an elite military operation involving a bright flash in a confined space (a tunnel), ordered by someone very high up the food chain.

So, do you want to put on your tin foil hat and join me in the bunker? Do I think this COULD be true? Eh. I mean, it’s “possible”. But is it probable? I doubt it.

Photos courtesy of Mario Testino, archive portraits.
